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31).N. Sugawara, T. Okawa, H. Takahashi, , A. Sato, Y. P. Vedernikov, G. R. Saade, R. E. Garfield.  Influence of lipopolysaccharide on the uterine contraction inhibitory effects of tocolytic agents in pregnant mice. Am J Perinatol, 2007, 24:557-62.

30) H. Anbe, T. Okawa, N. Sugawara, H. Takahashi, A. Sato, Y.P. Vedernikov, G. R. Saade, R. E. Garfield.  Influence of progesterone on myometrial contractility in pregnant mice treated with LPS.  J Obstet Gynecol Res, 2007, 33:765-771. 

29)Takahashi H, Okawa T, Sato A.  Nitric oxide and CD4+25+ regulatory T cell production from iNOS knockout and their F1 female mice treated with LPS.

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28Okawa T, Anbe H, Sugawara N, Takahashi H, Sato A, Y.P. Vedernikov, G. Saade, R.E. Garfield.  Progesterone prevents preterm delivery by IL-6 inhibition.

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27) Okawa T,  Asano K, Takahashi H, Sato A, Vedernikov YV, Saade GR, Garfield RE. Nitric oxide (NO) donor-induced inhibition of pregnant rat uterine spontaneous contractile activity and release of NO from uterus measured by microdialysis.  J Endocrinol Invest, 2005, 28:998-1002.

26) K. Asano, T. Okawa, I. Matsuoka, Y. Suzuki, A. Sato.  Effects of sex steroids on expression of adenylyl cyclase messenger RNA in rat uterus.  J Endocrinol Invest 2005, 28:357-362.

25) Okawa T, Asano K, Takahashi H, Hashimoto S, Anbe H, Sato A, Vedernikov YV, Saade GR, Garfield RE.  Expression of inducible nitric oxide synthase messenger RNA, but not guanylate cyclase messenger RNA, depends on gestational age in rat myometrium.  Gynecol Endocrinol,  2004.19 , 146-151.

24) Okawa T, Honda S, Sanpei M, Ishida T, Fujimori K, Sato A.  Effects of nitric oxide and prostacyclin on hemodynamic response by big endothelin-1 in near term fetal sheep.  J Perinat Med. 2004;32:495-9.

23) Okawa T, Asano K, Takahashi H, Hashimoto S, Anbe H, Sato A, Gafield RE.  Expression of iNOS mRNA and inhibitory effect of NO on uterine contractile activity  in rats are determined by local rather than systemic factors of pregnancy.  J Pharmacol Sci 2004;95:349-354

22) Okawa T, Vedernikov YP, Saade GR, Garfield RE.  Effect of nitric oxide on contractions of uterine and cervical rings from pregnant rats. Gynecol Endocrinol,  2004.18;  186-193.  

21) T. Okawa, A. Sato, A. Syal, Y. Vedernikov,  G. Saade and R. Garfield. Effect of nitric oxide donors on isolated uterine and aortic smooth muscles in pregnancy.  Fukushima Med Sci 2003.49 , 23-32.

20) Okawa T, Vedernikov YV, Saade GR, Garfield RE.  Gender differences in contractile and relaxing responses of aortic rings from lipopolysaccharide-treated rats. Endocrinol. Gynecol., 2002, 16:225-233.

19) Okawa T , Asano K, Hashimoto T, Fujimori K, Yanagida K, Sato A.  Diagnosis and Management of Primary Aldosteronism in Pregnancy:  Case report and review of literature.   Am J Perinatol. 2002;19:31-6.

18) Okawa T, Takano Y, Takahashi H, Morimura Y, Yanagida K, Sato A.  Use of sublingual isosorbide dinitrate tablet for manual extraction of a retained placenta.   Arch. Gynecol. Obstet., 2002, 266:50-52.

17) Okawa T, Takano Y, Fujimori K, Yanagida K, Sato A. A new fetal therapy for chylothorax:Pleurodesis with OK432.  Ultrasound Obstet Gynecol, 2001;18:376-377.

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15Okawa T, Longo M, Vedernikov YP, Chwalisz K, Saade GR, Garfield RE.  Role of nucleotide cyclases in the inhibition of pregnant rat uterine contractions by the openers of potassium channels.  Am J Obstet Gynecol 2000; 182:913-918

14Vedernikov YP, Syal AS, Okawa T, Saade GR, Garfield RE.  Adenylate cyclase and potassium channels are involved in forskolin- and 1,9-dideoxyforskolin-induced inhibition of pregnant rat uterus contractility. Am J Obstet Gynecol 2000;182:620-624

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12) Okawa T, Vedernikov YP, Saade GR, Longo M, Olson GL, Chwalisz K, Garfield RE.  Roles of potassium channels and nitric oxide in modulation of uterine contractions in rat pregnancy. Am J Obstet Gynecol 1999;181:649-655

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70) 高橋秀憲、大川敏昭、藤森敬也, 佐藤章。妊娠前の栄養とDOHaD.ed

板橋勝家頭夫、松田義雄。DOHaD, その基礎と臨床。



妊娠期、授乳期の栄養制限および高脂肪食摂取ラットによる、仔ラット高血圧モデル作成および胎内プログラミングについての検討。周産期シンポジウム No26。メジカルビュー社。東京。27-35p.2008


日産婦誌、57,1591-1600, 2005.

67) 三瓶 稔、藤森敬也、大川敏昭、佐藤 章。当院における多胎妊娠の管理。

日本産科婦人科学会東北連合地方部会誌。52; 21-26, 2005.

66) 薄葉千絵、添田周、渡辺尚文、伊勢一哉、大川敏昭、佐藤章。

胎児治療が奏功した胎便性腹膜炎の1例。福島医誌。54; 205-210, 2004.

65)佐藤章、大川敏昭、藤森敬也、野村泰久、柳田 薫。FHRモニタリングで何がわかるか。

産婦実際。52;415-21, 2003.

64)佐藤章、大川敏昭、藤森敬也、柳田 薫。分娩と緊急手術。産婦治療 86;61-66, 2003.

63)佐藤章、藤森敬也、大川敏昭、加藤克彦、野村泰久、橋本敏。難産因子とその対策。肩甲難産。産と婦。70;895-904, 2003

62)藤森敬也、遠藤力、金彰午、大川敏昭、佐藤章、氏家二郎。慢性子宮内環境悪化に伴う胎児パラメーターの変化と子宮内環境評価。日本新生児学会雑誌。39(4); 708-715, 2003.

61)大戸斉、氏家二郎、有賀裕道、石井勉、藤森敬也、大川敏昭、佐藤章。ウィルス母子感染:母子間輸血現象からの機序と感染予防。日本新生児学会雑誌。39(4); 596-600, 2003.

60)藤森敬也、石田友彦、大川敏昭、佐藤章。胎児娩出後、あるいは産褥期の高血圧発症例について。周産期医学 33 (10),1277-812003.

59)橋本敏、大川敏昭、高橋秀憲、安部宏、桝田薫、佐藤章。低栄養妊娠ラット新生仔の高血圧発症とその機序。医学の歩み 207;157-158, 2003

58)佐藤章、大川敏昭、藤森敬也、野村泰久、柳田 薫。FHRモニタリングで何がわかるか。産婦実際。52:415-21, 2003.

57)橋本歳洋、山田秀和、小野次子、高野芳正、大川敏昭、森村豊、桝田 薫、佐藤 章。

乳癌術後の子宮悪性病変に関する検討。臨床婦人科産科 56: 1172-75, 2002.

56)安斎 憲、大川敏昭、本田信也、三瓶 稔、藤森敬也、桝田 薫、佐藤 章。

羊胎仔頚動脈及び腎動脈の血管反応におけるNO donorNO scavengerの影響

日産婦誌、54,10-16, 2002.

55)佐藤章、藤森敬也、遠藤力、大川敏昭、野村泰久、桝田 薫。胎児ジストレスの病態生理。周産期医学、21;1433-37, 2001.

54)藤森敬也、遠藤力、佐藤章、石田友彦、三瓶稔、本田信也、大川敏昭、桝田 薫、氏家二郎。臍帯動脈拡張期血流に途絶、逆流を認めた重症子宮内発育遅延胎児の検討。周産期シンポジウム No19。メジカルビュー社。19-24p.2001

53) 大川敏昭、浅野仁覚、高橋秀憲、橋本敏、鈴木庸介、桝田薫、佐藤章。ラット妊娠子宮筋収縮における選択的phosphodiesteraseⅤの影響。医学の歩み 196;887-888, 2001

52)大川敏昭、浅野仁覚、高橋秀憲、橋本 敏、桝田 薫、佐藤 章、NOと妊娠子宮筋。

福島医学雑誌。51; 1-15, 2001. 

51)桝田薫, 大川敏昭,佐藤章。【周産期の検査診断マニュアル】 産科編 各種病態における検査 切迫流産の検査。周産期医学 30巻 増刊 Page 286-2912000.



日本産婦人科栄養代謝学会誌。6;40-42, 2000.

49)佐藤章、大川敏昭。妊婦と耳鼻咽喉科。耳鼻咽喉科頭頚部外科。72;115-122, 2000.

48)佐藤章、大川敏昭、妊娠中期の破水。産婦人科研修ノート。診断と治療社。東京。274-5, 2000.

47)佐藤章、藤森敬也、大川敏昭、橋本歳洋、西山浩、桝田薫。悪性腫瘍。産婦人科の世界 51(12) : 1185-96, 1999.

46)佐藤章、柳田薫、大川敏昭、藤森敬也、本田信也。21世紀の胎児治療。産婦実際。48:1341-50, 1999.

45)藤森敬也、遠藤力、大川敏昭、佐藤章。母体感染症の母体搬送。周産期医学、29;1211-1218, 1999.

44)藤森敬也、大川敏昭、桝田薫、安斉憲、浅野仁覚、佐藤章。前回胎児死亡の既往のある妊娠。周産期医学、29;1055-1059, 1999.

43)佐藤章、大川敏昭。分娩誘発の難易と頚管熟化の程度。図説産婦人科VIEW 36  分娩誘発、メジカルビュー社、東京、p36-49,1999

42)北野原正高、大川敏昭、桝田薫、佐藤章。妊娠ラット子宮平滑筋収縮に対するNitric Oxide (NO)の影響。日産婦誌、51, 58-64, 1999.

41)佐藤章、大川敏昭、藤森敬也、浅野仁覚、桝田薫。胎児心拍数図の読み方。産婦治療 78;212-217, 1999.

40)佐藤章, 大川敏昭,藤森敬也,浅野仁覚,桝田薫。周産期管理の実際、妊娠 胎児 胎児心拍数図の読み方。産婦治療 78巻 増刊 Page 820-825 ,1999

39)高梨子篤浩、藤森敬也、大川敏昭、安斉憲、三瓶稔、本田信也、柳田薫、佐藤章。 胎児の消化管疾患の出生前診断と分娩周辺期。周産期医学、29;304-308, 1999.

38)大川敏昭、浅野仁覚、佐藤章。NOと妊娠(1) 子宮筋収縮。 Hormone Frontier in Gynecology. 6: 39-44, 1999.


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36)大川敏昭、佐藤章、北野原正高。子宮筋の収縮とNO Hormone Frontier in Gynecology. 4: 349-355, 1997.

35)大川敏昭R.E. Garfield、北野原正高、佐藤章。子宮収縮とNO.  

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34)鈴木りか、市川文隆、大川敏昭、遠藤力、星和彦、佐藤章。培養ラット胎仔肺胞2型細胞におけるジパルミトイルホスファチジルコリン(DPPC)分泌能へのプロスタグランジンE1およびリトドリンの影響。日産婦誌、49; 95-101, 1997

33)佐藤章、星和彦、柳田薫、大川敏昭、吾妻達郎、坂平弘、長浦良、古橋信之、田中幹夫、山内隆治、吉田孝雄。Chlamydia trachomatis子宮頚管炎に対する Sparfloxacin  の有効性。産科と婦人科 63, 1151-58, 1996.

32)佐藤章、大川敏昭、藤森敬也。前期破水の定義と臨床上の問題点。図説産婦人科VIEW 26  前期破水と早産、メジカルビュー社、東京、p10-15,1996

31)佐藤章、大川敏昭、大和田真人、鈴木久美子、石田友彦、北野原正高。high risk妊娠・分娩と集中治療 感染症の合併。IUCCCU 20:391-400, 1996


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29)佐藤章、大川敏昭。妊娠中期の破水の管理。産科と婦人科 63: 228-229, 1996

28)大川敏昭、北野原正高、鈴木庸介、遠藤力、星和彦、佐藤章、中西弘則。ラット妊娠子宮筋収縮反応におけるNitric oxide の影響。医学のあゆみ 176(4)265-2661996.

27)高梨子篤浩、藤森敬也、大川敏昭、遠藤力、佐藤章。羊水量の診断。周産期医学 25;161-68:1995


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24)北野原正高、大川敏昭、遠藤力、佐藤章。分娩中に得られる母体の検査情報−循環、呼吸を中心として。周産期医学 25(10)1398-1402, 1995

23)大川敏昭、遠藤力、北野原正高、鈴木庸介、佐藤章。一酸化窒素(NO)とその関連物質。産婦人科の世界 47(9) : 709-15, 1995.


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20)鈴木りか、遠藤力、高梨子篤浩、大川敏昭、佐藤章。胎児生理よりみた子宮内胎児発育遅延。産婦人科の世界 47(5) : 375-382, 1995.

19)遠藤力 藤森敬也、金彰午、大川敏昭、佐藤章。胎児監視法

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18)鈴木博志、大川敏昭、遠藤力、星和彦、佐藤章。妊娠ラット子宮筋のOxytocin感受性に対するEndotoxinの影響。日産婦誌 47 : 377-384, 1995.


   北野原正高、大川敏昭、佐藤章、村田雄二。持続低酸素血症未熟ヤギ胎仔に負荷されたsevere hypoxia の影響 −子宮内発育遅延胎児の周産期臨床管理のための洞察−

   日本新生児学会雑誌 30535-5381994.

16)遠藤力 v 安達公美子 大和田真人 石田友彦 佐藤章。消化性潰瘍

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15)遠藤力 大川敏昭 安達公美子 大和田真人 石田友彦 佐藤章。潰瘍性大腸炎

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14)遠藤力 大川敏昭 安達公美子 大和田真人 石田友彦 佐藤章。急性膵炎

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13)遠藤力 大川敏昭 安達公美子 大和田真人 石田友彦 佐藤章。胆道炎、胆嚢炎、胆石。周産期医学 24(増刊号):281-2821994

12)遠藤力 v 安達公美子 大和田真人 石田友彦 佐藤章。急性虫垂炎

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11)遠藤力 v 佐藤章。米国における骨盤位取り扱いの現況

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10)大川敏昭 鈴木博志 遠藤力 鈴木庸介 星和彦 佐藤章 中西弘則。ラット妊娠子宮筋におけるエンドセリン-1の収縮反応について−Platelet-Activating Factor (PAF) の関与−。日本産科婦人科学会雑誌 46 : 43-44, 1994.

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8)佐藤 章,大川敏昭.分娩室の機器、吸引娩出器,インファントウオーマ,血液ガス分析装置,超音波洗浄装置。助産婦雑誌 4572771991

7)鈴木りか,遠藤 力,大川敏昭,荒木 壮,星 和彦,佐藤 章.Rh血液型(−)で弛緩出血を起こしDICに至るも救命しえた症例。周産期医学 20163516411990

6)大川敏昭,野口まゆみ,本多静香,松本美穂子,矢沢浩之,星 和彦,佐藤 章。原発性卵管癌と子宮頚部腺癌の重複癌の1例。 産婦人科の実際 38182118251989

5)野口まゆみ,鈴木庸介,大川敏昭,荒木 壮,星 和彦,佐藤 章。更年期不定愁訴症候群に対する加味逍遥散の使用経験。現代東洋医学 101341401989

4)大川敏昭,浜口昌明,高橋徹,小林昇,佐藤章,矢嶋聰。進行性婦人科悪性腫瘍に対するCDDPの動脈注入における体内動態について。産科と婦人科 562752811989

3)大川敏昭,高橋 徹,小林 昇,佐藤 章,矢嶋 聰。腫瘍マーカーCA 199及びCA 125がともにに高値を示した原発性卵管癌の1例。産科と婦人科 55160116041988

2)大川敏昭,飯田 実,高橋 徹,小林 昇,石川元春,古橋信晃,矢嶋 聰,朝比奈章悟,岩崎瑠璃子。比較的短期間に経験した原発性卵管癌の3例

   ----その腫瘍マーカーCA 125値の臨床的意義----。産科と婦人科 54136513681987

1)土岐利彦、矢嶋 聰、大川敏昭、小林 昇、木村伯子、笹野伸昭。内分泌と代謝をめぐるCPC、AFP産生卵巣Sertoli−Leydig細胞腫の一例

  医学のあゆみ 1395015061986








11/29, 1993.

International Society, The Fetus as a Patient. 9th. International Congress. (Fuji-Yoshida)

1) Endocrinological Responses of Sustained Hypoxemia and Second Hypoxemia on the Goat Fetuses at Midgestation

C. Endo, A. Takanashi, K. Fujimori, S. Kin, R. Suzuki, T. Okawa, A. Sato


Society for Gynecologic Investigation, 41st Annual Meeting, (Chicago)

2) Endocrinological and Cardiovascular Responses to Severe Hypoxia in Hypoxemic Goat Fetuses between Mid-Gestation and Term. 

C. Endo, A. Takanashi, K. Fujimori, S. Kin, R. Suzuki, T. Okawa,  A. Sato, Y. Murata

   9/17-21, 1994

The 8th Congress of the Federation of the Asia/Oceania Perinatol Societies,(Taipei)

(3) A Case of Epignathus which was Diagnosed as an Immature Teratoma Antenatally.

Ishida T, Iizawa Y, Suzuki R, Kin S, Onogi S, Okawa T, Endo C, Sato A.

(4) Significance of Biophysical Profile for the Nonviable Fetus with Absent or Reverse End-Diastolic Flow Velocity in Umbilical Artery Waveforms.

Mizitani K, Endo C, Yoshida T, Ishida T,  Okawa T,  Kin S, Suzuki H, Suzuki R, Takanashi A, Hoshi K,  Sato A.

11/25-29, 1995

The 5th World Congress of Ultrasound in Obstetrics and Gynecology (Kyoto)

(5) Significance of Biophysical Profile for the Nonviable Fetus with Absent or Reverse End-Diastolic Flow Velocity in Umbilical Artery Waveforms.

Mizutani K, Endo C, Okawa T, Yoshida T, Kin S,  Suzuki H, Suzuki R, Takanashi A, Hoshi K,  Sato A.

(6) A case of spontaneously reduced congenital cystic adenomatoid marformation

Yamada J, Endo C, Okawa T, Ishida T, Kin S,  Takanashi A, Fujimori K, Adachi K, Sato A.

(7) A Case of Epignathus which was Diagnosed as an Immature Teratoma Antenatally.

Ishida T, Endo C, Okawa T, Iizawa Y, Suzuki Y, Suzuki R, Kin S,  Onogi S,  Sato A.

11/12, 1996 

The 9th Congress of the Federation of the Asia/Oceania Perinatol Societies,(Singapor)     

(8) Effect of nitric oxide on contractile response in the myometrium of pregnant rat.

Kitanohara M, Okawa T,  Suzuki H. Sato A.

1/20-25, 1997


(9) Effect of a nitric oxide donor and a scavenger on isolated uterine and aortic rings from pregnant rats.

 Okawa T, Syal A, Vedernikov Y, Saade G, Chwalisz K, Gafield RE. 

3/19-22, 1997

Society for Gynecologic Investigation, 44th Annual Meeting, (San Diego)

(10) Gender differences in response to LPS treatment in rat aortic rings. 

    Okawa T, Syal A, Vedernikov Y, Saade G, Chwalisz K, Gafield RE. 

(11)  Effect of phosphodiesterase inhibitors on rat uterine contractility activity during pregnancy. 

     Syal A, Okawa T, Jain V, Vedernikov Y,  Chwalisz K,Saade G, Gafield RE. 

5/15-16/, 1997               

Texas Forum on Female Reproduction, 3rd Annual Meeting, (Houston)

   (12) Effect of lipopolysaccharide on response of aortic rings from male and female rats)

  Okawa T, Syal A, Vedernikov Y, Saade G, Chwalisz K, Gafield RE. 

2/2-7, 1998


(13) Effect of LPS on uterine contraction and prostaglandin production in pregnant rats.

Okawa T, Suzuki H, Yanagida K, Sato A, Vedernikov Y, Saade G, Gafield RE.

(14)  Effect of NO donors on isolated uterine and aortic smooth muscles in pregnancy.

 Okawa T, Syal A, Vedernikov Y, Saade G, Chwalisz K, Gafield RE. 

(15)  Effect on NO on contractile response of cervical and uterine rings from pregnant rats. 

Okawa T, Syal A, Vedernikov Y, Saade G, Chwalisz K, Gafield RE.

(16) The effect of placental tissue on the inhibition of uterine contraction by nitric oxide donors. 

Syal A, Okawa T, Vedernikov Y, Chwalisz K, Saade G, Gafield RE.

3/11-14, 1998                

Society for Gynecologic Investigation, 45th Annual Meeting, (Atlanta)

(17) Role of K-channels and nitric oxide in the modulation of uterine contraction.

Okawa T, Longo M,  Vedernikov Y,  Chwalisz K, Saade G, Gafield RE.

(18) Role of nucleotide cyclases in the inhibition of uterine contractions by K-channel openers in pregnant rats.

Okawa T, Longo M,  Vedernikov Y,  Chwalisz K, Saade G, Gafield RE.

11) 1/18-23, 1999                

Society for Maternal-Fetal Medicine, 19th Annual Meeting, (San Francisco)

(19) Nucleotide Cyclases and K-channels in the Pregnant Rat Uterus.

Okawa T, Longo M,  Vedernikov Y,  Chwalisz K, Saade G, Gafield RE.

(20) Effect of Nitric Oxide on Uterine Contraction in Pregnant Rats in Vitro and in Vivo

T. Okawa, M. Kitanohara, Y. Suzuki, K. Fujimori, K. Yanagida, C. Endo, A. Sato.

(21) Expression of Nerve Growth Factor in the Hippocampus of an Ischemic-Hypoxic Model Neonatal Rat

R. Suzuki, T. Okawa, K. Fujimori, K. Yanagida, A. Sato.

(22) Plasma Endothelin-1 & Atrial Natriuretic Peptide Levels During Prolonged (24-Hour) Hypoxemia in Fetal Goates. 

K. Fujimori, J. Yamada, T. Ishida, K. Anzai, S. Honda, M. Sanpei, K. Asano, A. Takanashi,

T. Okawa, Yanagida,  A. Sato.


9/22-25, 1999

1999 American Physiogogical Society  Conference, (Colorado)

(23) potassium channels and uterine contractility in rat pregnancy

 Vedernikov YP,  Okawa T,  Saade GR, Garfield RE.

13) 6/3-7, 2000

1st International Conference Biology, Chemistry and Therapeutic Applications of Nitric Oxide, (San Francisco)

(24) Differential activation of particulate and soluble guanylate cyclases in pregnant rat uterus. 

 Vedernikov YP, Fulep E,  Okawa T,  Saade GR, Garfield RE.

3/14-17, 2001

Society for Gynecologic Investigation, 48th Annual Meeting,  (Toronto)

(25)  Effects of Nitric Oxide (NO) donors on Contraction and NO Production

in Pregnant Rat Myometrium

T. Okawa, K. Asano, Y. Suzuki, K. Fujimori, A. Sato, Y.P.Vedernikov, G. Saade,  R.E. Garfield.

(26) Hormonal regulation of adenylyl cyclase (AC) in rat uterus. 

K. Asano, Y. Suzuki, I. Matsuoka, T. Okawa, K. Fujimori, K. Yanagida, A. Sato.

4/ 18-20, 2001

The 7th Korean-Japanese Joint Conference of Obstetrics and Gynecology, Kyongiu, Korea, 

(27) Hemodynamic responses of ovine fetuses to exogenous endothelin-1 and atrial natriuretic peptide.

Fujimori K, Ishida T, Yamada J, Sanpei M, Honda S, Okawa T, Yanagida K, Sato A. 

16) 1/15-19, 2002               

Society for Maternal-Fetal Medicine, 22th Annual Meeting, (New Oleans)

(28)  Inducible nitric oxide synthase but not guanylate cyclase mRNA expression depends on gestational age in rat myometrium.

Okawa T, Asano K, Takahashi H, Hashimoto S, Anbe H, Sato A, Y.P. Vedernikov, G. Saade , R.E. Garfield. 

(29) Pregnancy regulates the expression of iNOS expression and the effect of NO in the uterus through local rather than systemic mechanisms.

Okawa T, Asano K, Takahashi H, Hashimoto S, Anbe H, Sato A, Y.P. Vedernikov, G. Saade , R.E. Garfield. 

(30) Effects of placental tissue on inhibition of uterine contractions by nitric oxide in iNOS knockout mice treated with LPS. 

Takahashi H, Okawa T, Asano K, Hashimoto S, Anbe H, Sato A, Y.P. Vedernikov, G. Saade, R.E. Garfield.

(31) Effects of lipopolysaccharide on inhibition of uterine contractions by nitric oxide in iNOS knockout mice. 

Takahashi H, Okawa T, Asano K, Hashimoto S, Anbe H, Sato A, Y.P. Vedernikov, G. Saade, R.E. Garfield.

(32) Adenylyl cyclase mRNA expression and effects of adenylyl cyclase cascade on contractility in unilateral pregnant rat myometrium.

Asano K, Okawa T, Takahashi H, Hashimoto S, Anbe H, Suzuki Y, Sato A, Matsuoka I, Y.P. Vedernikov, G. Saade, R.E. Garfield. 

(33) The role of nitric oxide in the fetal sheep

Okawa T, Anzai K, Honda S, Sampei M, Ishida T, Fujimori K, Sato A, G. Saade, R.E. Garfield. 

(34) Endothelin-1 induces hemodynamic responses, but not nitric oxide release in term fetal sheep. 

Okawa T, Honda S, Sanpei M, Ishida T, Fujimori K, Sato A, G. Saade, R.E. Garfield.

2/3-8, 2003                   

Society for Maternal-Fetal Medicine, 23th Annual Meeting, (San Francisco)

(35) Nitric Oxide (NO) Production and Effects of NO on Contraction in Pregnant Rat Myometrium. 

Okawa T, Takahashi H, Hashimoto S , Anbe H, Sato A, Vedernikov Y, Saade G, Garfield RE .

(36) The role of endothelin-1 in the fetal sheep

 Okawa T, Hashimoto S, Nomura Y, Kato K, Fujimori K, Sato A, Vedernikov Y, Saade G, Garfield RE .

(37) Effects of nitric oxide and prostacyclin on hemodynamic responses by Endothelin-1 in term fetal sheep. 

Okawa T, Honda S, Sanpei M , Fujimori K, Sato A, Vedernikov Y, Saade G, Garfield RE .

 (38) The effect of LPS on inhibition of uterine contractions by nitric oxide in iNOS knockout mice.  

Takahashi H, Okawa T, Hashimoto S, Anbe H, Fujimori K, Sato A, Vedernikov Y, Saade G, Garfield RE .

(39) Effects of placental tissue on inhibition of uterine contractions by nitric oxide in iNOS knockout mice at late gestation.

Takahashi H, Okawa T, Hashimoto S, Anbe H, Fujimori K, Sato A, Vedernikov Y, Saade G, Garfield RE .

(40) Effects of placental tissue on inhibition of uterine contractions by nitric oxide in iNOS knockout mice treated with LPS at mid gestation compared with late gestation.

Takahashi H, Okawa T, Hashimoto S, Anbe H, Fujimori K, Sato A, Vedernikov Y, Saade G, Garfield RE .

(41) Changes in the expression and function of the P2 receptors in the rat uterus during pregnancy.

Suzuki Y, Matsuoka I, Okawa T, Asano K, Sato A.

(42) Effects of extracorporeal membrane oxygenation on hypoxemic ovine fetues.

Nomura Y, Fujimori K, Kato K, Shiroto T, Okawa T, Sato A. 


6/7-10/, 2003                 

Second World Congress on Fetal Origins of Adult Diesease, (London)

(43) Severe dietary restriction in pregnant rats causes gender-related hypertension in offspring.

Hashimoto S, Okawa T, Anbe H,Takahashi H, Yanagida K, Sato A, Vedernikov Y, Saade G, Garfield RE .

(44)Severe dietary restriction in pregnant rats causes hypertension due to vascular dysfunction in offspring.

Okawa T, Hashimoto S, Anbe H,Takahashi H, Yanagida K, Sato A, Vedernikov Y, Saade G, Garfield RE .


9/13-16/, 2003   6th World Congress of Perinatal Medicine (Osaka, Japan)

(45) Hemodynamic responses of the ovine fetuses to exogenous endothelin-1 and atrial natriuretic peptide.  Fujimori K, Sanpei M, Honda S, Yamada J, Ishida T, Nomura Y, Kato K, Okawat, Sato A, Endo C. 

(46)ProstaglandinE2 production and effects of placental tissue on inhibition of uterine contractions by nitric oxide in iNOS knockout mice treated with LPS. Takahashi H, Okawa T, Sato A.

(47) Effects of placental tissue on inhibition of uterine contractions by nitric oxide in iNOS knockout mice treated with LPS at mid compared with late gestation. Takahashi H, Okawa T, Anbe H, Hashimoto S, Fujimori K, Yanagida K, Sato A.

(48)Fetal programming on adult hypertension in pregnant rats under severe nutrition. Hashimoto S, Okawa T, Anbe H,Takahashi H, Fujimori K, Sato A .

(49) Fetal programming of hypertension due to vascular endothelial dysfunction in rat offspring.  Hashimoto S, Okawa T, Anbe H,Takahashi H, Fujimori K, Sato A .


3/24-27, 2004, Society for Gynecologic Investigation, 51th Annual Meeting,  (Houston)

50) Contribution of endothelin-1 and nitric oxide to fetal circulation in sheep.

Okawa T, Hashimoto S, Nomura Y, Kato K, Sanpei M, Fujimori K, Sato A, Vedernikov Y, Saade G, Garfield RE.

51) Importance of maternal inherited iNOS in the prostaglandin E2 and nitric oxide production of uterine/placental tissues of mice treated with LPS.

Takahashi H, Okawa T,  Anbe H, Hashimoto S, Sato A, Y.P. Vedernikov, G. Saade, R.E. Garfield.


4/23-26, 2004, XX International Congress `The Fetus as a Patient', Fukuoka, Japan.

52) The role of endothelin-1 and nitric oxide in the fetal sheep

Okawa T, Hashimoto S, Nomura Y, Kato K, Sanpei M, Fujimori K, Sato A.

53) Management of meconium peritonitis with massive ascites

Okawa T, Usuba C, Soeta S, Watanabe T,  Fujimori K, Sato A.

54) Influences of prenatal low nutritional exposures on vascular system in


Hashimoto S, Okawa T, Anbe H,Takahashi H, Fujimori K, Sato A.


5/24-28. 2004,  The 3rd International Conference on the Biology, Chemistry, and Therapeutic Applications of Nitric Oxide.  Nara, Japan.

55) Effects of Nitric Oxide (NO) on Contraction and NO Production in Pregnant Rat Myometrium.

Okawa T, Takahashi H, Hashimoto S, Anbe H, Sato A.

56) Nitric oxidemetabolites in narmal pregnancy and preterm labor. 

Okawa T, Asano K,Anbe H, Hashimot S, Takahashi H, Sato A.

57) Oral   Effects of placental tissue and nitric oxide on inhibition of uterine contractions in iNOS kockout mice at late gestation.  Takahashi H, Okawa T, Fujimori K, Sato A, Saade G, Garfield RE.

58) Nitric Oxide and prostaglandin E2 production in placental tissue from iNOS knockout mice with LPS.  Takahashi H, Okawa T, Fujimori K, Sato A, Saade G, Garfield RE.


2/8-12, 2005                  

Society for Maternal-Fetal Medicine, 25th Annual Meeting, (Reno)

59) Levels of nitric oxide metabolite during normal gestation and in women undergoing preterm labor following treatment with isosorbide dinitrate..

Okawa T, Asano K, Hashimoto S, Takahashi H, Sato A, Vedernikov Y, Saade G, Garfield RE .

60) Effects of LPS on oxytocin-induced contractions and inositol 1.4.5-trisphosphate production in late pregnant rat myometrium

Okawa T, Suzuki H, Hashimoto S, Takahashi H, Sato A, Vedernikov Y, Saade G, Garfield RE .


10/9-12, 2005, Society for Gynecologic Investigation, 1st International Meeting,  (Siena, Italy)

61) nitric oxide production in placental tissue from iNOS knouckout mice with LPS

Takahashi H, Okawa T,  Hashimoto S, Fujimori K, Yamada H, Sato A,


2/5-10, 2007                  

Society for Maternal-Fetal Medicine, 27th Annual Meeting, (San Francisco)

62) Prostaglandin E2 and nitric oxide production by paternal and maternal inherited in placental tossue in iNOS konckout mice treated with LPS.  Takahashi H, Okawa T, Fujimori K, Sato A, Vedernikov Y, Saade G, Garfield RE . Am J OBGY 2006, 195, S151.

63) Nitric oxide and CD425+ regulatory T cell production from iNOS konckout and their F1 female mice treated with LPS.  Takahashi H, Okawa T, Sato A, Vedernikov Y, Saade G, Garfield RE .  Am J OBGY 2006, 195, S178.


2007, 8. 26-29. (Sendai)

34th Annual Meeting of the Fetal and Neonatal Physiological Society

64)Takahashi H, Okawa T, Fujimori K, Sato A.

Nitric oxide and CD4+25+ regulatory T cell production from iNOS knockout mice and their F1 mice treated with LPS

65)Takahashi H, Okawa T, Fujimori K, Sato A.  Nitric oxide production in placental tissue from iNOS knockout mice with LPS and their offsprings.

66) Takahashi H, Okawa T, Fujimori K, Sato A.  Maternal severe undernutrition during bothe late gestation and lactation period induce hypertension in male rat offsprings

67)Takahashi H, Okawa T, Fujimori K, Sato A.  Regulation of maternal feeding during lactation period may control adulthood hypertension.

68)Takahashi H, Okawa T, Fujimori K, Sato A.  Maternal regulation of high fat nourshment during lactation period reduce a hypertension of male offsprings. 


9/9-13/, 2007   8th World Congress of Perinatal Medicine (Florence, Italy)

69) Progesterone prevents preterm delivery by IL-6 inhibition

Okawa T, Sugawara N, Takahashi H, Sato A,Y.P. Vedernikov, G. Saade, R.E. Garfield

70) The effect of LPS on inhibition of uterine contraction by tocolytic agents in pregnant mice.  Okawa T, Sugawara N, Takahashi H, Sato A,Y.P. Vedernikov, G. Saade, R.E. Garfield

71) Nitric oxide and CD4+25+ regulatory T cell production from iNOS knockout and their F1 female mice treated with LPS.  Takahashi H, Okawa T, Sato A.

72) Maternal regulation of high fat nourishment during lactation period reduce a hypertension of male offspring.  Takahashi H, Okawa T, Sato A.

73) Prostaglandin E2 and nitric oxide production by paternal and maternal inherited iNOS in placental tissue in iNOS knockout mice treated with LPS. 

Takahashi H, Okawa T, Sato A.


4-7/ Novem 2007, (Perth, Australia)

 Epigenetics 2007, Australian Scientific Conference

74) Nirric oxide and CD4+25+ regulatory T cell production from iNOS knockout mice and their F1 mice treated with LPS.  Takahashi H, Okawa T, Fujimori K, Sato A.

75)  Regulation of maternal feeding during lactation period may control adulthood hypertension.  Takahashi H, Okawa T, Fujimori K, Sato A.

76) Nirric oxide production in placental tissue from iNOS knockout mice with LPS and their offsprings.  Takahashi H, Okawa T, Fujimori K, Sato A.

77)  Maternal severe undernutrition during both late gestation and lactation period  induce hypertension in  male rat offspring.  Takahashi H, Okawa T, Fujimori K, Sato A.

78)  Maternal regulaltion of high fat nourishment during lactation period reduce a hypertension of male offspring.  Takahashi H, Okawa T, Fujimori K, Sato A.



6-10, Novem, 2007, (Perth, Australia,)

5th International Congress on Developmental Origins of Health & Disease,

79): Nirric oxide production in placental tissue from iNOS knockout mice with LPS and their offsprings.  Takahashi H, Okawa T, Fujimori K, Sato A.

80) Nirric oxide and CD4+25+ regulatory T cell production from iNOS knockout mice and their F1 mice treated with LPS.  Takahashi H, Okawa T, Fujimori K, Sato A.

81) Maternal severe undernutrition during both late gestation and lactation period  induce hypertension in  male rat offspring.  Takahashi H, Okawa T, Fujimori K, Sato A.

82) Maternal regulaltion of high fat nourishment during  lactation period reduce a hypertension of male offspring.  Takahashi H, Okawa T, Fujimori K, Sato A.

83)  Regulation of maternal feeding during lactation period may control adulthood hypertension.  Takahashi H, Ok